News - Fall 2005

And We Have the Winners!
Dreamcraft Wins Best of Show at LA Calendar Bike Show AMD Affiliate Round for World Championship
Wicked Brothers takes 1st place Pro Builder
August 1st, 2005 - Dreamcraft Studios used the July 16-17th LA Calendar Motorcycle Show for the world premier of their latest new custom bike "Rapture" and took home the coveted Performance Machine Best of Show Award, a big chunk of the Show's $70,000 awards purse, and was invited to the American Motorcycle Dealer's World Championship of Custom Bike Building to be held November 18-20th 2005 at Mandelay Bay, Las Vegas, NV, in conjunction with Advanstar's Big Twin West. http://www.amdproshow.com
The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, produced by FastDates.com Calendar photographer Jim Gianatsis of Gianatsis Design Associates, is an official Affiliate Qualifier Round for the AMD Pro Show World Championship of Custom Bike Building. This year's LA Calendar Show saw its biggest turnout ever of spectators, 195 exhibitors, and some 50 Pro Contest Builders ever to become what is now, arguably, the world's biggest custom and performance streetbike show.
SBK Fast Dates World Superbike & Ducati Corse girl, model and actress "Rockin Robin" Cunningham accompanied Jim Gianatsis to Dreamcraft Studios to shoot their just completed $250.000 billet bike "Rapture" for the next FastDates.com Iron & Lace Custom Bike Pinup Calendar just a few days before this year's Calendar Show. Robin then served as hostess and Master of Ceremonies at the LA Calendar Bike Show a few days later where "Rapture" won the coveted Performance Machine Best of Show title. DreamcraftStudios.com is partnership between builder Larry Nagel and designer Paul Yang.
Look for "Rapture" to be at the AMD Pro Show in Las Vegas to try and claim the $50,000 First Place Award. And rumor has it that "Rockin Robin" just might be there too, as the successful Gianatsis Design produced Calendar Shows partner with Advanstar's Big Twin Expos to expand across America. FastDates.com Calendar Angel "Rockin' Robin" is featured in the new 2006 Iron & Lace Calendar, along with Dreamcraft's first ever exotic custom "Sega." Ask for Iron & Lace at your favorite Dealer, available from AMD Pro Show sponsor Custom Chrome and other top distributors, or order online Right Here.
But why wait? You can see our world's exclusive first photos of Dreamcraft's Rapture right now
in the Iron & Lace Garage

And above, beautiful new FastDates.com Calendar Angel Cora Skinner was recently photographed on location in downtown Los Angeles by photographer Jim Gianatsis with builder John Franco of Wicked Brothers, LA Calendar Show Pro Builder Class winning bike "Lethal Strike". Look for the pictures in the 2007 Iron & Lace Calendar premiering at next year's Show.

Before and after! John Franco of Wicked Brothers collects the unique Pro Builder Mikuni HSR Carburetor Desk Pen Set Award from Rockin' Robin, Ted sands of Performance machine and Keith "Bandit Ball at this year Show. Then a month later we hooked up again to shoot his bike "Lethal Strike" for the iron & Lace calednar. Great Bike John!
Now the Biggest Streetbike Show in the World!
Top Custom & Sportbike Bike Builders, Beautiful Girls, Another Record Turnout
Our LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend Blows the Lid off!
Los Angeles, CA, July 16-17th. - It was an an impressive lineup of America's top celebrity custom bike builders with the hottest new bikes, free Iron & Lace Calendar Builders Seminars and literally hundreds of beautiful girls at the big Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend. In fact, many of these top name builders made their first ever pubic appearance as builders at the LA Calendar Show, and garnered world wide recognition of their leading edge bikes in the FastDates.com produced Iron & Lace Calendar photographed by Show producer Jim Gianatsis.

The Purrfect Angelz performed their own special rendetion to music of Madona's "Like a Virgin." Needless to say, all the guys in the audience were ready to propose matrimoney!
For additional LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Coverage,
Contest Results and Information on next year's Show go HERE
Janelle ws photographed here with Paul Yaffe's "Bar Hopper for the 2004 Iron & Lace Calendar.
Iron & Lace Calendar Angel Janelle Perzina
Stars on TV's Big Brother 6
Our own FastDates.com Calendar Angel Janelle Perzina is one of the featured House Guests on this summer's CBS reality television series Big Brother 6. The sexy model and actress has even developed her own fan following from the TV Show and many new websites have sprung up trying to feature her. But our FastDates.com Website and Calendars are one of the few places on the web and in print can find the best pictures of our Janelle, including our exclusive sexy pictorials of her in
Members Corner.
We took Janelle to Laguna Seca World Superbike in 2003 where she also served as official Ducati Corse umbrella girl for Ruben Xaus, with her photos featured in this year's 2005 Fast Dates Calendar |

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