Los Angeles, CA, July 16-17th. - It was an an impressive lineup of America's top celebrity custom bike builders with the hottest new bikes, free Iron & Lace Calendar Builders Seminars and literally hundreds of beautiful girls at the big Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend. In fact, many of these top name builders made their first ever pubic appearance as builders at the LA Calendar Show, and garnered world wide recognition of their leading edge bikes in the FastDates.com produced Iron & Lace Calendar photographed by Show producer Jim Gianatsis.

The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend presented by Performance Machine continued to grow again this year as the most popular consumer street bike show in America. Always the 3rd weekend of July at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach, CA,, the Show offers a huge weekend of activities with sold out participation from 195 major motorcycle and product companies, up 30 more from last year in an expanded event layout. The Show again featured leading custom bike builders from across America and around the world, and hotested a 2-day near capacity crowd of 18,000, up another 20% over last year.
The Show is produced by Jim Gianatsis of Gianatsis Design Associates, also producer of the renown FastDates.com Motorcycle Pinup Calendars and Website for which the Calendar Bike Show marked the 2006 FastDates.com Calendars including Iron & Lace World Premier.
A new addition to the Show this year was its affiliation as an Official Qualifying Round of the American Motorcycle Dealer World Championship of Custom Bike Building, with the top placing bikes in the Performance Machine Bike Show Contest receiving a confirmed invitation to the AMD World Championship Final at Big Twin West in Las Vegas the weekend of November 18-20th.

Above from left: Performance Machine's Ted Sands, Dreamcraft's Ysmael Galera, Paul Yang, Brian Giron and Larry Nagel, Bikernet.com's Keith "Bandit" Ball, Calendar Angels "Rockin' Robin" Cunningham, Andra Cobb, Christina Linderman, Dominique Layafette. Photographed by Show producer Jim Gianatsis.
The LA Calendar Show has become one of America’s premier Custom, Sportbike and Classic Bike Contests featuring many of top bike Pro and Amateur builders in America -and now from around the world vying for the prestigious Performance Machine Best of Show Trophy. Winning the coveted top spot this year was Larry Nagel and Paul Yang of Dreamcraft Studios with their radical new $250,000 billet bike “Rapture” featuring a 1-piece frame which was CNC machined over 2-days from a 900 lb.s solid chunk of aluminum. Among Rapture's many other unique features were the scratch built quad tube front forks, a through the swingarm exhaust system, and dual raised windscreen fuel tanks. Whew!

Pro Builder Class winner John Franco and "Lethal" Strike" from Wicked Brothers.
Stage activities were hosted throughout the weekend by FastDates.com Calendar Angel, Miss Texas, Miss Harley-Davidson and SBK Fast Dates World Superbike and Ducati Corse girl “Rockin’ Robin" Cunningham. Robin was assisted for the trophy presentation on Sunday by Performance Machine marketing director Ted Sands and Bikernet.com’s Keith “Bandit” Ball.

Calendar Show Model Search runner up Natalie Green (left) and SBK Fast Dates World Superbike and Ducati Corse girl Andra Cobb (right) pose with Jesse Rooke's latest 2 wheeled creation which premiered a week earlier at Laguna Seca MotoGP, a Yamaha 50th Anniversary inspired street rod sponsored by Dunlop tires.

Former AMA 250cc GP Class roadracer Roland Sands of Performance Machine fame, now turned custom bike builder and TV star, takes questions from the audience during his Iron & Lace Calendar Builder Seminar at the Show, with his latest custom "Glory Stomper" in the foreground. Look for "Glory Stomper" in the next Calendar as well.
Fans got to meet many Discovery Channel and Speed TV featured celebrity custom builders from the programs American Thunder, Great Biker Buildoff, and Build or Bust including Russell Mitchell, Jesse Rooke, Roland Sands, Mitch Bergeron, Mike Stafford, and Harold Pontarelli. The builders were featured in Iron & Lace Calendar Bike Builder's Seminars held hourly throughout the weekend in the midway tent located in the center of the Show Park. Each builder explained their own personal style for building world class custom bikes, then they answered questions from enthusiastic fans. The Iron & Lace Calendar Bike Builder Seminars were a big hit among fans and are a regular feature of the Calendar Show.

The Purrfect Angelz performed their own special rendetion to music of Madona's "Like a Virgin." Needless to say, all the guys in the audience were ready to propose matrimoney!
And really bringing down the house in 2 different performances each day to showcase the PinUp Model calendar theme of the Calendar Show were the the beautiful Purrfect Angelz with their sizzlin'’ Las Vegas style stage performances. Along with a Calendar Girl Model Search Pageant each day with $70 0 in prize money that revealed beautiful bikini girls Holly Webber, Natalie Green and Candice Curtis as the winners. Candice’s beautiful attributes also earned her a paid calendar shoot the following day with photographer Jim Gianatsis for the next Iron & Lace Calendar. Bikes selected from the Show for the Calendar shoot included a retro hot rod from Zero Engineering of Japan, and a just completed pop stylized bar hopper built by Bob Phillips of Wizard Creations for actor Brad Pitt.
Associate Sponsorship support for the premier street bike event weekend in America is provided by Iron Works magazine, Jardine Performance, Hooters, Trader Publications, Bikernet.com, FastDates.com Calendars & Website, ReCycler / Cycle Buys, Quick Throttle magazine, CaliforniaHostess.com, Events by Noonan and SPEED TV’s American Thunder. The 2007 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show is scheduled for July 15-16th. Spectators and Exhibitors can find out more about The Show, the Bike Contest and all the available weekend activities online at www.FastDates.com.
For additional LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Coverage,
Contest Results and Information on next year's Show go HERE